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Of all the factors that influence outcomes, leadership stands at the pinnacle; no other factor provides the leverage and nexus to have such an impact and make a difference in success or failure, cooperation or conflict, partnership or polarization.

Leadership is extremely important and vital today: times of change can become chaotic and regressive when poor leadership prevails, and, alternatively, enlightening and progressive in the presence of inspiring leaders.

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Capability Building2

The Institute serves as our partner in delivering our Capability Building Programs

Building Trusted Leaders w Globe 2

All our Executive & Senior Leadership Development Action Workshops and Team Building Training is done via our alliance partner. Learn more ...

The Institute uses a powerful methodology for producing strong teams and alliances.

See Testimonials ...

 Here’s what your organization can learn:

The Institute is also engaged in a number of STRATEGIC INITIATIVES we support, including:

4 Ps
Collaborative Capitalism Logo
Collaborative Innovation Circle

Constellation Logo

 Bold New Future for the Mutual Insurance Industry

As Organizational Design Architects, Constellation builds highly integrated insurance eco-systems and value chains that produce exceptional innovation and competitive advantage.

As advisors,  Constellation we provides diagnostics, strategic, operational, and human factors advice, financial investment services, and training for your organization.

Our objective is to assist you in making your insurance business profitable, sustainable, employee energizing, and user friendly.

For investors and those interested in acquisitions, our approach produces substantially more winners, higher returns on investment, and fewer risks. We do this by performing a proprietary analysis on target companies that ensures high rates of success

Our expertise has produced powerful strategic alliances, very effective synergies in mergers and acquisitions  providing sustainable investments that produce profits year after year.

EBR Cover

Read our Featured Article Leadership and the Structure of Trust in the May-June 2011 Edition of the European Business review online

European Business Review

Here are links to other organizations we work with closely:

Winslow LogoThe Winslow Group is our Canadian Affiliate, which combines the use of best practice architecture in Collaborative Innovation and Lean Methods to help its clients focus on supplying their customers, on time, at the right cost, with the right quality, the first time and every time. We work with our clients to assist them in building a corporate culture of continuous improvement where everyone in the organization is focused on the elimination of waste everywhere along the value chain while adding value for their customers. Our value proposition is to build capability within an organization so that it is self-sustaining in its lean journey.

ASAP1Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals: For anyone who wants to know how to form and manage alliances, this organization is the world leader. This site has a large collection of best practices for strategic alliances, and enables certification of alliance professionals. The world’s best alliance companies are members, thus it provides an exceptional network of alliance-oriented people with world-class standards. The Warren Company is was a founding member and has been a global sponsor for over 10 years.Alliance Best Practice

  Alliance Best Practice (ABP) is our United Kingdom based consultancy specialising in Strategic Alliance relationships. ABP associates are a group of international independent experts who each specialise in some aspect of strategic alliance formation, management or optimisation. ABP’s  goal is to increase the knowledge and subsequent adoption of proven best practice principles to help our clients optimise their alliance relationships. The sole focus of the organisation is to help clients generate more value from their strategic alliance relationships through the discovery, dissemination and delivery of best practice.The firm is founded on 52 Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that have been statistically proven to contribute to alliance success.The organisation's unique offering is a world class database of over 130,000 observations of alliance best practices in action generated from examining in depth over 300 companies in the last 7 years. mOn average we increase the commercial value of alliances between 250% and 650% for our clients within 18 months.

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